We provide pre-shipment inspection services all over India to help companies importing from India check product quality before shipment in conformance with international standards.

You can reduce and eliminate your risk of importing from new suppliers and maintain your quality levels with regular suppliers using our spcialized quality inspection services in India.

We provide pre-shipment quality inspection for following items

  1. Home Textile including rugs, carpets, cushions, curtains, furnishing fabrics, bed cover, bath rugs, bath mats, towel and other bath linen.
  2. Garments.
  3. Bags of all types.
  4. Furniture of all types of wood, steel, brass and other material.
  5. Antique reproduction items.
  6. Handicraft items in wood, brass, stone.
  7. Foot wear.
  8. Stationery.
  9. Toys.
  10. Fashion Jewellery.
  11. Fashion accessories.
  12. Gifts and promotional items.
  13. Kitchenware.


Most competitive and transparent charges.
We charge by assignment and not by man days so typically our charges work out less than others offering similar services.
We give discounts for requests made in advance.
Please contact us for best quote.


You can order inspection upto 72 hours before due inspection date. We can consider 48 hours notice also in certain cases but it is always better if you can inform in advance.


Inspection report would be delivered by email within 24 hours of completion of inspection with detailed pictures and notes made by inspector.


We provide quality inspection service all over India.


1. During production inspection - This is done just after the start of prodution when production is almost ready to pick speed. This is done to ensure everything has been understood well by the supplier and the raw material and process used are in compliance with the buyer requirement. This ensures that the bulk production would meet buyer quality requirements.

2. Pre-shipment inspection of various levels
- Random inspection as per AQL norms.
- 100% inspection. - This is unique service offered by us and guarantees maximum quality assurance at very reasonable price. (In some cases 100% inspection may not be possible due to practical reasons.)

3. Container loading/ stuffing supervision.

4. Test sample collection to ensure that the test sample being sent for lab testing is selected randomly by third party from actual production lot and not some piece that factory may like to send.

5. Supplier audit - to check capabilities of the supplier you plan to start work with.

6. Supplier verification - To check physical existence of a supplier you plan to start business with.

Please contact us for best quote.