Data Privacy Policy

As sourcing consultants we get access to various market data, company data and product information.

Our data privacy policy is very straight forward -

1. All data will be utilized only for the purpose for which it has been received. (This is the reason why our website has no product photographs even though we have access to most latest developments from many vendors. Clients must contact us directly and data will be shared as appropriate.)

2. We keep data in our archives only till it is relevant for the project life and 6 months after that.

3. Data is kept secure and not shared with any entity not relevant to the project for which data was acquired.

4. We respect proprietary data and it is handled as appropriate.


Above policy ensures that we respect the proprietary nature of product forecast information and product design data. It is only shared with relevant vendors.

We understand that buyers share confidential market sensitive information with us from time to time to help us find correct products and deals but we always respect the sensitivity of such information and its impact on purchasing. All such information is handled in very professional manner appropriate to protect buyer interests.

We understand the importance of data privacy. If any vendor or buyer has any concerns regarding our data policy, please feel free to contact us directly using information on contact page on this website.