Global Sourcing Consultancy

Use our specialized skills and resources to find the best suppliers from around the world.

We will contact potential suppliers, evaluate them based on your parameters and provide you a list of potential suppliers to finalize your business.

You give us your requirement and we find you the best supply options from anywhere in the world.

Asia may not always be the best option. Sometimes logistics and duties may make importing from somewhere closer a better option.

Africa and South America is upcoming for lot of products.

We can evaluate the best options for you.

This service saves you time and you get access to our vendor matching skills, experience and updated market knowledge.

How Global sourcing consultancy is different from Specialized Sourcing in India ?

In specialized sourcing we take responsibility of productions, ensure shipment quality and timely delivery by actual liason work with factory. This work is limited to goods/ services produced in India only.

Global sourcing consultancy is not limited to India. We will find the best manufacturer from anywhere in the world, as per your specific requirement and parameters.

If you have questions or want more details, please feel free to contact us.